OceanGold – Website
Multilanguage corporate website for one of the TOP10 Shipping Owner companies in Greece in 2014
OceanGold Tankers Inc. is a Ship Management Company that specializes in the tanker sector. OceanGold is headed by Tanker industry professionals with many years of experience in shipping. The fleet is mainly composed by Product Tankers of LR2, LR1 and MR2 type, which trade worldwide. Oceangold is a dynamic business venture with a young fleet of tankers. They share modern practices, innovation and the highest standards that aim to create a new tradition.
OceanGold assigned AdOpt the task of creating an informational website about company’s history and activities. The task was clear and simple. ‘A site that it would be aligned with OceanGold’s prestige and history. AdOpt, respecting the client’s requirements, created a website that absolutely met the expectations that were set from both sides.
Light, functional and fast website
The client needed a light, secure and fast page that it would be working smoothly. AdOpt developed a flawless website, with a very low loading speed, to serve, guide and inform its visitors. Within a few clicks, the visitor can be informed about the history, the fleet as well as the career opportunities of OceanGold Shipping Company.

AdOpt is the reliable and dedicated partner, when it comes to corporate online presence, that OceanGold has been looking for. They have delivered on time every single project with great success. The communication has always been immediate and accurate, and most importantly AdOpt is the ideal consultant we can rely on, regarding modern era matters related to the digital world.
Yiannis Aggelis,
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